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Surry C.H. Va
July 31st 1866

Col O. Brown
Asst. Adjt. General

In accordance with Paragraph 6 - Circular No 10 Hd. Qrs. Asst Com. State of Virginia dated Richmond Va March 12 - 1866 - I have the honor to make the following Report of the manner in which the transfer of criminal cases, in which Freedmen are parties, to the civil authorities of the State, have affected the interests of the Freedmen in the county of Surry. 

But three of such cases have come under my observation - since my arrival in the County - last May - that have been acted on - Others are about to be presented, but I cannot yet tell in what  manner they will be received - In the three cases above mentioned I saw no symptoms of  partiality towards the whites, and do not think it will be exercised, as a rule, though there may be exceptional cases - 

As most of the Freedmen are both ignorant and poor, they, of course, labor under a great disadvantage, but where they are capable of understanding legal transactions, and have money to fee lawyers, I have every reason