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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Office Asst Sept 8th Dist Va Marion, Va Aug'st 25th 1866 Brvot Brig Genl O. Brown A.A.A. Genl: Genl, I have the honor to make the following report relative to the administration of civil justice in my sub. Dist. for August 1866. Comprising the Counties of Smyth, Tazewell and Bland. (The condition of this sub Dist. so far as the administration of Civil Justice is concerned, is very good, with the exception of an indisposition on the part of the court of Smyth County to provide for the destitute colored persons. The overseers of the poor inform me, that the County Court is not allowed the estimate, made by them at the June term of the Court for the destitute blacks. Also the Court has apprenticed colored children to parties without the consent of their parents.) I forwarded special reports of some cases of the kind to your office the first of the month I herewith enclose a special report of a similar case I am, Genl, very Respectfully Your Ob't Ser'vt B.E. Hess Lieut. V.R.C Asst. Supt. 8th Dist. Va.
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