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Monthly report in compliance and with Circ No 10 bureau R.F.& A.L. Headquarters Asst Comr Va Richmond Va March 12th 1866, for the month of August 1866. see inside 10 [[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA BUREAU OF R.F.& A.L. [[illegible]] SEP 2 1866 [[/stamp]] (extract copied) Office Supt. 4 Dist Va Gordonsville. Va. Sept 1/66 Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Brig. Genl. O. Brown. A.A.A.G Hd Qrs. Asst Comr Va W R Morse Bt. Maj & Supt. 4 Dist. Va. E&M68
Transcription Notes:
Most of this has been transcribed. However, there are spots that are difficult to read. Those have been labeled [unknown] in the above transcription. Best of luck filling in the blanks.