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Washington Warren Co Va
August 27th 1866

Lt. W. Aug. McNulty Culpeper C.H. Va

Dear Sir

Your letter of the 25th is just received.
In reply it affords me pleasure to state that there are no persons of color confined in the jail of this county under charges of any kind. Nor were any cases of colored persons sent on for trial in the Circuit Court,  from the last court for the County.  Nor am I aware that there is a charge against one pending before a justice of the County.
In fact as will be shown by the records of our County Court, but two within the last year have been before it and both were acquitted by the court from the charge professed against them, by the year I mean the year ending at this time. 
I deem it however proper to say that a colored woman was taken up and committed to jail for a single night under a regular warrant as a lunatic or non conjurer but the next day arrangements were made to try to effect her restoration to reason without sending her to an asylum and she was taken out or discharged rather informally and I learn that she is already in a fair way to recover. She lives in this town, and is much respected.  

yours truly
W M Helenck
Clerk of Warren County Court

Transcription Notes:
One word remains - Marked [[?]]