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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Off. A. Supt. Prince Wm. Co. Va.
Brentsville Aug. 31" 1866

Maj. W.R. Morse
Supt. 4" Va. District

I have the honor to report in compliance with Circular No. 10. Par. 6" of date Hd. Qrs. A. Com. of Va Richmond Va March 12" 1866 that the operation of the Circular has not been detrimental to the interests of the freedmen. Several cases have been tried at which I have been present and I have seen no injustice. I think it much better that cases were put into the hands of the civil authorities while the Bureau is here to look to them. Justice will be more likely to be done when the military is remomoved than it would otherwise have been.

Very Respectfully - Your obt. Servant
Marcus S. Hopkins
Bt. Maj. A.S. Prince Wm. Co. Va.