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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, Va. 
Fort Monroe, Va. September 25, 1866.

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Richmond, Va. 


I have the honor to forward herewith, in accordance with Cir. Letter, no date, Hd Qrs, Asst. Comr Va., receipts for Cir. No. 10. War Dept., from Asst. Supts. and Overseers of the Poor, in the various counties of my District. This return is wanting receipts from the sub-districts of Capt N.M. Brooks. and Major F.E. Butts. These officers have been notified of their dilatoriness, but have as yet failed to render any excuse for their delay. Their receipts will be forwarded as soon as received. 

I am, Sir,
With Great Respect 
Your Obedient Servant
SC Armstrong
Supt. 5th Dist. Va. 

Transcription Notes:
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