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B.R.F. & A Lds.
Office of Ast Supt. Sub Dist Nelson & Amherst Counties 
Lovingston Septr 30th 1866

Bvt. Brig. Genl O Brown
Ast. Adjt Genl. Deptmt of Va.

In accordance with the provisions of circular No 10. C.S. I have the honor to report that several Freedmen have been tried by the County & Superior Courts, this term, & that in no particular could I take exceptions to any of the proceedings. Judge Sheffey, of this Circuit is an eminently humane & just man; he takes particular pains to impress on the jury that the person & rights of the Freedmen are as sacred as the White mans, & that in law the Freedman is their equal. If he has any prejudices they certainly do not exhibit themselves, so as to mitigate against the Colored man, & I am perfectly confident that injustice cannot well be done a Negro in a Court over which he presides. This is shown by the influence he exercises over the juries, for in no instance have I known the full extent of the law to be meeted out to a Cold, criminal. The last term of the Court a man was sentenced to four years in the Penitentiary 

Transcription Notes:
Bvt. references Brevet, a military term. I believe Adjt is referencing the military title of Assistant Adjutant General. I have contacted the Virginia National Guard Historian for the name of the Assistant Adjutant General, I will update when I hear back from them. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-26 16:11:04 The Asst. Adj't Genl. is part of Gen. O. Brown's title ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-26 17:15:37