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— at the Judges own suggestion the Counsel for the prisoner moved for a new trial, which was granted & his sentence was reduced to one year, this term.
I cannot therefore but feel that the Freedmen, are none the losers, where liberty is at stake, by having such cases turned over to Civil Authorities.

There have been fewer complaints of assault, on Freedmen, this month than any previous perhaps since, I have been in the Dist. & I think a greater willingness on the part of Magistrates to investigate though I seldom hear of cases of the kind, after sending Freedmen to a Magistrate & directing them to let me know, when the investigation takes place, or the result. I am inclined to think the Freedmen, are generally persuaded to let matters of that kind drop, or are induced to believe that they will get the worst of it & have costs to pay. There has been one cold blooded murder this month of which I submit a seperate report & which confirms me in the belief that a Negro cannot get justice before most Magistrates in matters of this kind.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Svt
Louis W Stevenson
2d Lt V.R.C. & Asst Supt.  

Tho R.S. Lacey
Capt & Supt 7th Div Va              

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-26 17:09:47