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of insolence or laziness, Employers utterly disregard their contracts, knowing that the magistrates will not enforce them. The position of the latter, is such that they dread to dispense justice, for fear of offending their friends. While this state of affairs continue, the condition of the Freedmen is truly lamentable. 

In Nottoway County, I am pleased to report that the Freedman are treated with some degree of fairness and justice by the Magistrates. The County Court of this County, in the trial of Freedmen, have exhibited a very liberal and unprejudiced Spirit in all cases brought before them. The only cases of injustice practiced on the Freedmen in this County, have been by a few individual magistrates in preliminary examinations, in which they could not controll their prejudices. However the number of such magistrates in this county is but very few. 

Very respectfully
Your Ob'dt servant 
D. Jerome Connolly,
Bt Capt U.S. Vols.
Asst Sup'dt.


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-26 15:56:33