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Bur R F and A Lands 
Head Qutrs Asst Supt of Frederick & Clarke Co
9th Dist Dept of the Potomac,
Winchester Va Oct 31st 1866

Major General J.M. Schofield,
Asst Com'r State of Va, 

In compliance with Par 6th of Circular No 10 Bur R F & A L dated Head Quarters Asst Com'r state of Va Richmond Va March 12th 1866 I have the honor to report that the manner in which this order has been carried out with reference to the Colored People is very good and growing more favorable  I have attended several cases under this Circular and find that Colored testimony is received without very much opposition and the Colored People were treated with impartiality and fairness and the law respecting the testimony carried out in good faith.

There was however one case where a Freedman - one Fredrick Tustus - was tried in the Civil Court at Berryville Clark Co for horse stealing