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Bureau Refugees Freedman and Abd Lands
Office Asst Supt Counties Jefferson & Berkeley
Harpers Ferry W Va Oct 31st 1866 

I have the honor to report that Circular No 10 dated March 1866 does not apply to this State. In this State every man is equal before the law, saving and excepting, the elective franchise is denied to negroes and men who participated in the Rebellion.  In the Circuit Court of this County, I have heard a charge given, in which the Jury was distinctly informed, "that it was imperative on the Courts and the people of the County to protect the negro in the enjoyment of his rights and privileges, and if it should come to the knowledge of the Grand Jury of any so offending, it was their duty to present them for such notation of the fundamental law of the land." This will not apply to Justices of the Peace who are as a general thing careless in acting in criminal cases, which I think proceeds from fear and public opinion, and in this connection it must be understood that these two counties were originally rebel.  What cases have come under my observation the colored person has been treated with fairness and impartiality.

I have the honor to be
Most Respty

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-27 17:33:35