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Richmond Va. The testimony in the case was not considered sufficient to convict her, outside of her confession which was exacted under a threat & hence not admissible (but which could not be lost sight of by the jury), consequently the Judge granted a new trial upon the plea of the counsel in her defence, which will take place in March next. The prisoner is now at liberty having been boiled by her former owner and others. Case 3d - Milly Hicks, colored, deft. - charge larceny, stealing bacon. Tried, found guilty under clear proof and sentenced to imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for one year. Her case was a sad one and of [[pollicting?]] circumstances and one deserving executive clemency.  She is a poor, incompetent creature with four small children and one a babe.  Mr. E.B. Tucker, from whom she stole the bacon, has sent a petition enclosed by Mr. Buford the Commonwealth Atty. to Gov Pierpont asking for her pardon, the result of which is not yet known.   Case 4th - Dick Curtis, colored, deft. charge - Grand larceny, -stealing a horse. - arraigned, tried, found guilty and sentenced to eighteen (18) years imprisonment