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Bureau of Refugees, freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Petersburg, Va., Novbr. 22nd, 1866.
Genl. O. Brown
A. Asst. Adj. Genl.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Richmond Va.

In compliance with Circular letter from Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr Va. dated August 24th 1866 I have the honor to forward herewith acknowledgement of receipt of Circular No 10. from Bureau Hd Qrs by Asst Supt and Overseers of Poor in this  Dist.

the Overseers of the Poor of the counties of Sussex and Powhatan, refuse to acknowledge receipt of same, as will be seen by communications of Asst. Supt of these counties, herewith enclosed.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Svt
J.R. Stone
Bvt. Major and Supt 2d Dist. Va.