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Bu.R.F. and A. Lands,
Office asst. Depft. of Frederick, & Chuck, [[?]]
9 "Dist, Dept, of the Potomac[[?]],
Winchentin, VA Dec 31st 1866

Brig. & Burt Mayor Genl. G.M.Schofield,
Asst. Cam'r, Dept of the Potomac[[?]],

  In compliance with [[?]] received, I have the honor to request the following care, wherein in my official injustice has been done towards a ( Freedman) named Alfred, Brown.
     The case is as follows,
On Saturday the 8th day of Nov. 1866, the Grand Jury, sitting in, and for the County of Frederick, and [[?]] of Va, did find a bill of indictment, guilty, against Alfred Brown, and William, Rolls (Freedman) living together in the town of Winchester, County and [[?]] above said, for stealing (2) two bags, from Mr Banks, living about (2) two miles from the town of Winchester, on the night of the 1st on 20th of Oct. 1866. To which indictment, the prisoners founded "not guilty". They were tried separately, one Jury acquitted Rolls, but the other Jury found Brown guilty; and fixed his term of imprisonment at six months in the County jail. A motion was made for a new trial, which was ordered by the Court. The Court however remembered, in [[?]] of the fact, of the conflicting testimony, in the case. He would take the privilege of reducing the term of imprisonment to three months.