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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Sub-District New Kent and Charles City Counties, Va. 
New Kent C. H., Va., Janry. 20th 1867. 

Bt. Brig. Gen. O. Brown A.A.A.G. 
Richmond Va. 

I have the honor to report that during the present month the following named cases, in which Freedmen were parties, were tried in New Kent Co. 
At the session of the county court, Janry. the firm of Brown and Dixon (Freedmen) applied for license to keep a store and sell liquor; the application was refused on account of Brown, having been at a previous term of the same court convicted of a misdemeanor. Special report of the case forwarded Janry. 15th./67. Richard Underwood (freedmen of Hanover County was examined according to law and committed to the Lunatic Asylum at Williamsburg Va. on account of temporary insanity, Janry. 15th./67. Gilbert Harris (minor freedman) was committed for examination at the next term of the Court 

Transcription Notes:
4/28/2024 12:52pm unsure of word in final sentence of page. Per instructions use [[?]] if you dont know a word, in this case the word was 'minor'