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Bureau of Refugee Freedman and Abandoned
lands Office Capt Supt Halifax Co Va
Halifax CH Va January 26th 1864

Maj Genl J. M. Schofield
Capt Comr, State of Va

In Compliance with Circular No "10" Hd Qrs Comr State of Va I have the honor to submit the following report. The action of the courts of magistrates towards the Freedmen brought before them continues to be all that can be desired. No case of oppression or unfairness has come to my knowledge since my last report, in fact but very few cases of misdemeanor or crimes on the part of Freedmen have occurred during the past month and those are of a light Character. 
I am general
Very Respectfully
Your obt servt
Geo. R. Buffum
Lieut & Asst Supt BRF. & AL
Halifax Co Va