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Bureau R. F. & A. L. Office Asst
Supt Sub Dist of Hanover
Ashland Va Jany 28, 1867

Capt James A Bates
Supt 3rd Dist Richmond Va.

In compliance with the requirements of Par 6 Cir No 10 Bu RF&AL Hd Qrs A.C. Va Richmond Va. Mch 12 1866, I have the honor to report that, with an exception during the present month this order, by restoring to the State authorities, jurisdiction in criminal cases, over colored persons, has resulted to their interest:- they have been treated with impartiality and fairness, and the law respecting their testimony has been carried out in good faith.

The exception was in the case of the Commonwealth vs Philip Jones (col'd) charged with stealing about half a 13 b'll of corn. The trial was before Mr Thomas M White J.P Jones was "discharged," but the magistrate alleging that there was a "slight suspicion of guilt" required the accused to pay all the costs.

This case was duly reported at the time of its occurence.

I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Ira Ayer Jr
Bvt Col Ast Supt

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-28 14:41:13