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several times previous) to go to Norfolk Va. that he went to Norfolk and on his way back home, where about a mile and one half from his home, he was stopped by his son, who informed his father that he had been placed there by Col Draper with orders to stop him when he came by, he also informed him that Col Draper had been to their home and had taken him and required him to go as a soldier in the Army. After being halted Col Draper came to him and enquired of him what his name was, which he told him, he then asked whose Horse that was that he was driving, he replied that it belonged to Mrs Hile, he then asked where her husband was, he replied in the Confederate Army, he then said that he wanted that Horse and that he must go in the army as a soldier, which he declined doing as he had a large family who was dependent upon him for support. And after further conversation he told Brockett that he would promise to report to him the next morning he would allow him to go home, he promised and before he could get ready the next morning a detachment from Col Draper Regt. came there and took him away, he states further the reason he did not return the Horse that night was Col Draper detained him so long that it was too late. He went to the Camp of the Regt

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-28 18:12:06