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Office of Asst. Supt R.F. and A. Lands
Surry and Sussex Counties Virg
Waverly Sussex Co Jany 31 1867
Br. Brig. Genl O Brown
Act. Asst Adjt. Genl Dept of the Potoc
Richmond Va
I have the honor to report that there has been no Negroes upon trial before the courts in either county during the month and I have not been advised of the examination of any of them before a Magistrate.
Only one case of outrage has been reported to me. Jack Mason's wife (cold) went to the house of Henry Birdsong and got his boy who had been working for him for the past year. Mr. Birdsong set upon the said lad ((?)) and with his riding whip struck her three or four times. I referred the case to Mr. E. T. Chappell Magistrate who ordered Mr. Birdsong to appear before him on Monday Jan 21st both parties appeared there on that day and Mr. Chappell was about to proceed with the trial when Mr. Birdsong stated to the woman that at the time he was under the influence of liquor and asked her forgiveness for having struck her and stated that it should never happen again to her or any other Negro.
She ten withdrew the charge and both parties separated well satisfied