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Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs. Asst. Supt.
Rocky Mount, Franklin Co., Va.
February 28th. 1867.

Brvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown.
A.A.A. Genl.

As an appendix to my Report of this date, in compliance with Circular No. 10, Series 1866, I have the honor to submit for the consideration of the Asst. Com. the following statement of a Case made mention of therein as having been adjudged during the month, and in which I believe Plaintiff to have sustained manifest injustice. - to wit - that of "Mary - for herself and her daughter,Hester Ann Hill" - Colored - vs. "Wm. H. Burwell" - White - by "Benjamin Hatcher", J.P., for breach of the Contract of which I herewith respectfully submit a true Copy, which will be found marked "B." This case was remarked on before, in my Reports of the 31st. Novr, & the 31st. Dec. 1866, respectively

It first came up before Mr. Hatcher on the 3rd. of Novr., and was, without, sufficient reason, continued by him, at the request of Defendant through his Brother, to the first of December. At that time it was again at the request of Defendant continued to the 5th. of January 1867. On that day it was once more, but for the first time on Plaintiff's account, continued, because of her being sick, to the 2nd. of February Ult. It was then decided by Mr Hatcher, in favor of Mr Burwell, before Plaintiff & her witnesses, who were on the way, could get there. But for this, Burwell had, it appears, declared he would manage to have it continued indeffinitely, till Plaintiff got tired of it. 

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