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This Article of Agreement, made this 10th day of January 1866 between Mary Hill (Freedwoman) of the first part, and Wm A. Burwell of the second part, 

That for, and in consideration of the sum of Eighty ($80 00/100) Dollars, the
said Mary Hill hereby agrees faithfully and diligently to Wm A. Burwell at his place in Franklin County, Va., or such other place as he may direct, for the period of Twelve months, in consideration of which services the party of the second part herewith agrees to pay the said party of the first part, the sum of 
$50 00/100 for self board and clothes
Daughter 30 00/100 and board Dollars [[strikethrough]] per month [[/strikethrough]], with proper and suitable food and quarters. The said parties hereby further agree that a sum equal to one month's pay shall be retained by the said party of the second part until the final settlement at the expiration of the said period.
And the said parties unchangably agree, that if this contract be violated by either party, without legal cause, the party so violating the same shall pay to the other, as liquidated damages, the sum of Fifty $50 00/100 dollars. 
And the said parties further agree, that if it shall be mutually desirable to annul this contract before the expiration of the term agreed upon, it shall be done only in the presence and with the concurrence of such officer of the FREEDMAN'S BUREAU, as may have immediate jurisdiction in this matter, in the district wherein the said parties reside.
Given at Franklin C. H. Va., on the day and date above written

(Signed) her, Mary Hill, L.S.

Wm A Burwell L.S.

(Sgd) James K. Warden
1st V.R.C.