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by the majority of the Magistrates of the county would before them at least, seem to have but very little chance or hope of success for the poor Freedman. This is unfortunately, the shameful fact.

But two cases again this month __ both
made mention of in my Report of Dec. 3rd 1866 & Jan.
1867 in which colored persons were concerned came up before County Court of my Sub District; to wit - that of "Margaret Minister" -freedwoman, state in jail charged with having committed arson and "Benjamin Arrington", charged with having committed grand Larceny. The former 
was remanded to go before the Circuit Court, which convenes here on the 15th. May proximo. The latter was discharged there being little or no evidence against
him, at least none conclusive; and I am much inclined to believe, from a knowledge of the character of the man viz: "John Patterson" white (who always sports a navy-size revolver & of whom some whites as well as all the freedmen stand in mortal dread), from whom the property -a hog- was said to have been stolen, that it was nothing but a malicious persecution. This freedman has been bailed.

I know positively of but one case having been elsewhere adjudged during the month - to wit - that of "Mary", & her Daughter "Hester Ann Hill" - col. - vs "Wm. A. Burwell" - white - before "Benjamin Hatcher" J.P. for breach of labor contract, which had been executed under the auspices of the Bureau; the sum involved being $50.00: It was decided in favor of Defendant: As I consider that in this instance palpable injustice has been done Plaintiff, I will append a special Report in the premises, which will be found as a paper marked "A" This case was also remarked on in my Report of Nov 30th & Dec. 31st 1866.