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him a "Son of a Bitch", &c; and when he attempted to remonstrate, he was at once ordered by Mr. Semones to "shut his mouth". This man subsequently made application to the same magistrate, for an appeal. He was replied to very roughly, and told that if he gave any more trouble, he should be sent to jail.

The Defendant in this case is of notedly bad character. Some time ago she lay in jail a long while, on a charge of having broken into & robber a store; but her Lawyers finally maneuvered her out of it. Plaintiff's wife, enticed away by this bad woman, some time since abandoned her husband & family of small children, and is now cohabting with another freedman, on the promises of the said Mrs Phebe Baker, who swears that if Plaintiff dares to put his foot on her hand, she will shoot him and this too while his wife has in her possession several of his impliments, & other effects, which she took away with her when she left him, & which he is thus disbarred from recovering. Actuated by malice, this Mrs Baker even made an effort to have Plaintiff indicted by the Grand Jury last October, on the plea that he had taken a false oath against her, in the matter of the hog; but one of the Jurymen; who knew Hauseman & afterward told him of the occurrence, asked her, if, with her character, she thought her word could be relied on against a man who was, at least, not already known to be disreputable, she thereupon left the room.

Plaintiff states that she also ows him for over three months labor, at the rate of fifty cents per day, which he cannot get. I have endeavored to get a Lawyer to bring suit in the premises; but there would seem to be many difficulties attending such a course. In the first place, the

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4.30.2024 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-30 14:32:00