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of the facts, which will be found is a paper marked C. It is true, the accused, after being shot down, acknowledged that he took the horse, although he said he did not want to steal it, but merely designed to use it to perform the journey he was going on; and had really abandoned it about six miles back from where he was discovered. Still, this does not excuse the shooting, on no proof whatever, even.

Third- "Wm. Mason" on charge of stealing an ax worth $2.00.  This man is in jail, not having given bail. "Allen Frith", another freedman, charged with buying the ax of the other man, was also arrested, but is now at large, on bail. It is alleged, of course, that the latter knew it was stolen property.  __ Including the son of Flemon Saunders, & this man, would make the apprehensions during the month five, instead of three as first stated. 

The most of the foregoing examples would seem to indicate what really is the truth, that matters are sadly out of joint in this section. It could hardly be otherwise. The civil authorities are, generally, a wretched class The Justices of the Peace, being elected, are for the most part, egregiously ignorant; or if not so, as they receive no pay, they are indifferent, and feel ill disposed to neglect their ordinary business; particularly where the interests of only a "Negro" are concerned. The again, of course they certainly also have their bias; and whether or not, their ignorance, if not even their inclination, readily admits of their being manipulated at will mildly subservient to the pleasure of the Whites.

I am General, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
W.D. De Knight
1st Lt. V.R.C. Asst Supt.
B.R.F.& A.L.