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Thomas Brent & John Curry. (Freedmen)
This was a case, in which both of the Defendants were arraigned on a charge of Petit Larceny, and resulted in the acquittal of both of the Prisoners.

William Wilson. (Freedmen)
This was a case, in which the Defendant was arraigned on a charge of Arson. Much doubt was felt by the Court; about the Prisoner being "Compos mentis." and I am of the opinion, derived from conversation with members of the Court, that he would have been discharged, had they considered him a safe person to run at large.  As it was, he was committed for further examination before the Circuit Court. Propose to call your attention to his case by special communication hereafter. 
I am Gen'l, with much respect
Your Obt. Servt.
Fredk. S. Tukey Asst. Supt.