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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Asst Supt Southampton Co Va
Jerusalem Mch 22nd 1867.

Maj J.H. Remington
A.A.Q.M. and Supt 1st Dist Va
Norfolk Va

I have the honor to report in compliance with Circular No 10. Bureau R.F.& A.L. Head Qrs Asst Commr State of Va Richmond Va March 12th 1866, That the civil Authorities, for the amount of March, have strictly complied with all the requirements of afore said circular. In the case of assault and battery reported by me in Jany. I have the honor to state that the Grand Jury found a true bill and accused was fined forty dollars and costs.
I am Maj
Very respectfully 
Your Obt Servant
A.G. Deacon
Lieut and Asst Supt
Bureau R F & A L