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Bureau R.F. & A.L
Office Asst Superdt Burkeville Va
March 31st 1867

Capt. G. Mallory
A.A.Adjt Gen'l.

I have the honor to report that on the 16th March 1867 a case was heard and determined by a Magistrate of Lunenburg Co. The particulars of which are as follows.  A Freedman named David sued as Mr. Linscomb, for compensation for services rendered during year 1866. The case was brought before a Mr M. Robertson Magistrate for trial. The plaintiff was not subpoenaed, notified to appear neither was his witnesses, but still in defiance of all law they heard and determined the case and decided against the Freedman, and in favor of the Citizen who was the only party present. Upon investigation I ascertained the above facts as represented were correct. The Freedman was not present, nor was he aware of the time the trial would take place. 

Most Respectfully 
D. J. Connolly 
Bt Capt & Asst Supdt

Transcription Notes:
NB: Superdt = Supdt = Supt = Superintendent