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Hd qrs. Sub, dist Matthews and Gloucester Cos
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Matthews CH. Va. Mch 31st 1867

Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Commissioner

In compliance with Par. IV. Circular No 10. Hd qrs. Asst. Comr. dated Richmond Va, Mch 12th 1866. I have the honor to report the following cases of Freedmen tried before the Civil Courts in this Sub. dist. during the month of March.

1st Gabriel Blackan. Charged with stealing an axe, found guilty and sentenced to receive 25 lashes on his bare back.

2nd Jonas Smith. Charged with stealing a turkey, found guilty, and sentenced to receive 25 lashes on his bare back, and to imprisonment for five days.

3rd Curry White. Charged with stealing a pair of "Hames", charge [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] not proven, and the accused acquitted.

In the two first cases the sentence of the Court was carried