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of the 28th Feb. pursuant to Circular No 10, and in a Special Report appended thereto; and was likewise made the subject of another Special Report, on the 5th Inst. immediately succeeding the trial, as per the foregoing. The Accused having been shot at and wounded, while not having the horse in his possession, and it having been proved in Court that he took the animal merely to ride a certain distance and had abandoned it four miles back of where he was himself discovered; and that it was found in the possession of another person, who had picked it up as stray in the neighborhood of where it had been turned loose by the freedman; it is my belief that he could only have been justly held to answer to the charge of "Trespass", and in my Report of the 5th, I also made application to have him ordered discharge on the pending charge, having the Civil Authorities, if they saw fit, to institute whatever proper measures lay in their power, to have him rearraigned on the lesser indictment.
   14th "John P. Paterson" white vs "Samuel Walker" cold. Being on appeal taken from the decision of a Justice of the Peace, viz. "Elija B. Woode" dismissing the warrant at Plaintiffs cost. The Court reversing the decision of the Magistrate, and have judgement against Defendant for $51.27 1/2 with interest from 17th Nov /66, subject to a credit of $1.30 and case of Court. This case I on the 14th Inst also made the subject of Special Report, requesting that some action be taken in the matter to secure his rights to the freedmen, he having suffered most gross injustice, as for instance, because First, he did not owe the amount claimed to John P. Patterson at all, but to his nephew "James T. Patterson", for provisions obtained by the latter of his Uncle, as per their contract to supply the freedmen, who had been working on shares for and was to repay him out of his