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K.94. (Bu R.F.&c 2d Dist Va) 1867 

Office Asst. Sub Asst. Comr. F.B. 
Laurencevill Va, Apl. 16/67

Kimball, F.M. 
Lt & Asst Sub Asst Comr

Appendix to report under Circular No. 10 Series of '66 Hd Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va. of Mch 30, 67, giving the present status of the three cases therein reported: to wit, 
I Sam Meredith - escaped jail. 
II Patty Mason - in penitentiary, detailed report in appendix "A."
III Julia Cain - pardoned. 

[[stamp]] RECEIVED OFFICE SUPT. 2 DIST. APR 19 1867 [[/stamp]]

Bureau R.F. & A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. 2. Dist. State Va. 
Petersburg Apl. 19, 1867

Respty forwarded to the Asst. Commissioner

JR Stone
Bvt Major and Sub-Asst Commr
Bureau RF & A.L. 

EB. 477
Vol 2


[[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L. *** RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER. APR 20 1867 [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-29 12:11:26