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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Superintendent, Fifth District, Dept. of the Potomac.
Fort Monroe, Va., April 2nd 1867.

Bvt Brig Genl O Brown
Assit Comr

   Pursuant to Circular No 10 series of 1865 I have the honor to report that no trials of freedmen during the past month have come under my observation excepting the trial of David young (cold) for the murder of another freedman in this County.
   On this occasion there was great excitement; the resident whites, or so called "Secesh" sided in a body with the murderer owing to his former services as slave catcher or spy among his colored brethren; such at least is the reported reason. The freedmen were for the same reason bitterly opposed to him and tried to [[?]] his conviction.
   I will here remark that the Commonwealth Attorney one Hope  was to  imbecile to conduct the prosecution and that therefore the freedmen in this vicinity contributed #50.00 to pay the fee of a lawyer who should conduct it