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Hd qrs. Sub. Disct of Matthews and Gloucester Cos.
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Matthews C.H. Va. April 30th 1867

Garrick Mallory
Capt. and Asst. Adjt. Genl

In compliance with Par. V. Cir. No 10. Hd qrs Asst. Commissioner — dated Richmond Va. Mch. 12th 1866, I have the honor to make the following report in regard to the Cases of Freedmen tried before Civil Courts in my Sub-disct during the month of April
Circuit Court, Matthews CH.
April 6th

Commonwealth. Pltf
Barney Spriggs Wm Billups Jim [[Macken? Machen?]] Kit Macken [[Machen?]] Peter Slert James Diggs } Colored Dft

charged with catching Oysters in violation of Law; Barney Spriggs only was tried, and upon the Jury promptly returning a verdict of 'Not Guilty,' it was ordered that all the prosecutions be dismissed.

Henry Jackson Cold

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-02 23:03:43