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perform their duties, but there are still Justices in Lunenburg County that cannot be trusted with a Freedman's case, they are men of no standing among the respectable portion of the community, are ignorant and illiterate, entertain a strong feeling of prejudice against the Colored Race, and a large number of their own people have no confidence in them. Until these men are removed or resign, I do not consider it advisable to abolish the Military Justice's Court now organized in that County. With the exception of these few, I believe the other Magistrates will perform their duty.

In Nottoway County but few cases in which Freedmen were concerned, have been tried, and these were of a trifling nature that no serious injustice could have been done,

I am Capt.
Most Respectfully.
Your Ob'd't Servant
D. J. Connolly
Brvt Capt. U.S. Vols.
Asst Sub Ass't Commissioner.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-06 10:45:29