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"B". 82. Hd Qrs 3d Sub Dist RF & AL State of Va Vol. 1/67

Office Agent 3d Div 3d Sub Dist Va.
King Wm C.H. Va
May 31st 1867

Butts Frank A.
Agent 3d Div 3d Sub Dist Va

Reports that the cases of the freedmen have been tried with fairness & impartiality before the Civil Courts during the month of May 1867, except in the case of the Commonwealth against R.B. Garnett, which case he had made a special report of. 


[[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA BUREAU OF R.F. & A.L. * * * RECD HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER. JUN 3 1867 [[/stamp]]

Rec'd H'd Qr's 3d Sub Dist State of Va. June 3d 1867

Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs Sub A.C. 3d Sub Dis't
Richmond Va. June 3d/67

Respectfully forwarded to Bv't Brig Gen'l O. Brown Ass't Comm'r Va.

Paul R Hambrick
Lieut 45th Infty Actg S.A.C.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-06 11:14:30