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B.R. F & A Lands
Office 1st Div of Sub Div
Lynchberg  July 31st 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O Brown
Asst. Commr. State Va.


I have the honor to report in compliance with Circular No 10 C.S. dated Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr State of Va Jany 29th 66 that Bureau matters are progressing favorably in the 1st Div of @ Sub Div.

There is an increasing disposition on the part of the people & magistracy to make prompt settlements with the freedpeople, others avoid coming in contact with the Military Authorities.

The demand for labor is greater than the supply.  The crops are suffering for rain, but otherwise look promising.  The schools generally remain closed - New school houses are being erected, & there will be a great demand for teachers in the fall.  I have had but one or two applications for rations during the month.  I have organized no temperance societies as yet, owing to want of time since receiving the last order; will do so early in August - There is little drunken incidents in the City, or throughout the County, taking all things into consideration.

Immorality seems to be on the increase. Complaints are almost daily made of married men, running away & leaving their wives & families.