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Bu. R. F and A. Lands
Office 1st Div 9th Sub Dist, Va,
Winchester Va July 31st 1867

Bvt Brg Genl O Brown
Asst Com’r State of Va

In compliance with Par 6th circular No 10 Bu. R. F and A.L Hd Qs Asst Com’r series of 1866 I have the honor to report that there has been no cases reported to me wherein the Civil authorities have taken jurisdiction.
As the Civil Authorities Claim the right by law to use their discretion in regard to issuing warrants for the arrest of one party on the Complaint of another for an assault, it is a notable fact that they use this discretion to the advantage of the white man and detrimental to the interest of the Freedman, for instance, if a white man makes a complaint of an assault made by a Freedman, the Freedman is arrested and examined or tried or both as the case may be and in some cases bail is refused, but if a Freedman is the complainant he is referred to the Genl [[Comdg?]] for redress where in 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-08 07:57:38