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Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen. and A. Lands.
Head Quars Sub Asst Com. 6th Sub District. Va.
Fredericksburg. Va. July 31st 1867.

Brevet Brig General O. Brown.
Asst Commissioner. State of Virginia.
Richmond. Virginia.

In compliance with Paragraph 6. Circular No 10. Head Qrs Asst Commissioner Bureau R.F. and A.L. State of Virginia, dated March 12th 1867. I have the honor to report that a number of colored persons have been arrested upon criminal charges in the Sixth Sub District, during the present month and that all have been treated fairly in the preliminary examinations as regards the Law and Evidence.

There are — among others — three girls and three boys now confined in the Jail in this City awaiting trial. on charges of petty larceny, said charges being fully sustained at the hearing against them.

Most of the arrests are persons living in this City — young people who have no Parents, — or if they have Parents, have no moral control over them. 

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