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Bureau of RF and AL
Office of the ASA Comr
5th Div 4" Va Sub Dist
Culpeper CH Va
August 31st 1867
Bvt Brig Genl O Brown
Asst Commissioner Dist of Va
Richmond Va
I have the honor to report in compliance with Circular No 10 Par 6 Head Quarters Asst Comr State of Va dated Richmond Va March 12th 1866, the result of transferring to civil authorities jurisdiction over criminal cases where the colored person is a party with reference to the interest of the latter. The case of Wm Waugh for burglary and attempt to commit a rape upon the person of a little white girl reported by me last month, was tried this month
The jury brought in a verdict of Guilty the council for the accused filed exception to the findings which was ten (10) years in the penitentiary and the case will be called up next term circuit Court, The jury recommended Executive Clemency, it is believed that Judge Watson will set aside the verdict of the jury in the case and order a new trial. The boy being young only about Twenty (20) years old and there being no attempt to commit a rape proven and he being almost an imbecile and having an old father who needs his assistance I would recommend notwithstanding