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3rd_ The same, vs Catharine Davis_ Colored_ for Petit Larceny. Her case having been continued from the March term, was again continued, and Rules made against the witnesses both for the Commonwealth and the Defendant.

4th_ The same, vs Edie Frith_ Colored_ for Petit Larceny. Continued from the March term, and again continued.

5th_ The same, vs Sandy Hutcherson_ Colored_ for Petit Larceny._ Capias awarded at the March term, but came forward himself. Tried by Jury, and found guilty, and sentenced by Court to be imprisoned in the County Jail ten days.

6th_ The same, vs John H Spencer_ Colored_ for Petit Larceny. Case continued from March term. Tried by Jury, and found guilty, and sentenced by Court to ten days imprisonment in County Jail.

7th_ The same, vs Squire Patterson_ Colored_, and Mary A Parris_ White_ presented at March term for lewdly and lasciviously associating and cohabiting together. Information filed, and capias awarded to answer.

8th_ The same, vs Agnes Hale, and Nancy Turnbull_ Colored_ Indicted at this term for a mutual assault. Summons awarded to answer.

No cases have to my knowledge been elsewhere adjudged during the month; nor have any apprehensions been made. One warrant was issued, for the arrest of a freedman, who, claiming a mule left by the Government in the possession of a colored woman, forceably seized upon and carried it away; but he has not as yet been apprehended.

I am, General, Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
W. F. DeKnight.
1st Lt. V.R.C. Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
Capias: a writ issued for arrest ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-09 14:21:44 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-09 14:23:04 Reopened to add the NARA microfilm number and remove indents. Please read the SI instructions for how to format text.