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Office A.S.Asst. Comr 1st Div 5th Sub Dist Va.
Williamsburg Va. August 26th 1867

Capt Garrick Mallory Actg Asst Adjt General

Captain - 

I have the honor to report in obedience with Par. 6 Cir. No. 10 Series 1866 Hd Qrs Asst Comr State of Va., that there were two cases during the current month before the Civil Courts in this Division in which colored were a part. The first was a case of petty larceny.
Commonwealth Va William Mercer (Cold) charged with stealing oats to the value of $4.00.  The Deft. has a fair and impartial trial - the evidence not being sufficiently strong against him, he was discharged 
The second case was that of Commonwealth Va, Henry Davenport - (Cold) for feloniously taking money and valuable papers to the amount of one hundred dollars.
A preliminary hearing was had before a

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