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went to Mrs. Mary Peters (wife of deceased) and complained to her his contract with her Husband. Her answer was (in presence of a responsible witness) that she would stand for the work already performed - and contracted with him, for the completion of the job. On finishing the work, he immediately called on Mrs. Peters for a settlement, which she refused to make, on the grounds, that the estate was responsible, and not herself, for the work performed. In explanation I would state, that at the time the bill was presented, it had transpired, that the estate was insolvent, and unable to pay its debts: had the opposite been the case, Mrs. Peters would have paid up promptly. The case was then brought before Wm. C. Charlton Justice of the Peace, who gave a decision as before stated. On an appeal being made to me as Military Commissioner, I made a partial investigation of the facts in the case, and being fully persuaded that justice had not been faithfully administered, I felt it my duty to reverse the decision of the magistrate; at least until I could have an opportunity of making a thorough investigation, both as regards the justness of the debt, and the apparent criminal action of the magistrate. I herewith enclose a copy of communication, mailed to Squire Charlton's address, which will explain more particularly, a certain item in the bill, which is the only one objected to by Mrs. Peters, on accord of being unauthorized by her --