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the dog was really set on the cow by a white man (living at the house of the owner) who at the time chanced to be at his place; but this at the investigation was denied by the said white man, who, on the Freedman persisting in his statement, threatened to shoot him, and on his making application to the magistrate to have this man bound over to keep the peace, no action was taken in the matter. I intend as soon as practicable to make further investigation in this affair, and if the facts prove to be as stated, I shall institute such measures as I deem requisite in the premises. 

During the month the following case was taken cognizance of by me as a military commissioner. 

On the 11th Inst. Lewis Houseman, colored, made the following complaint. Works under contract for Berry Crum, white. On the 10th on being accused of not doing work enough, was about to leave, when he was taken hold of by Crum, to retain him. John Peter Crum, son of Berry Crum, a deaf mute, here coming up behind inflicted a severe cut on his neck, in the region of the jugular, wherefrom he broke away, and left the place. He soon after made complaint before Mr George Finney. J.P., but that magistrate told him he could do nothing in the case, and he had better apply to me. On the Freedman doing so, I sent him back to Mr Finney, with the message that unless he did his duty I should recommend his removal.  On the 12th the man returned, bringing a letter which had been given him by Mr Finney, to Crum, informing

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