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Bu. R.F and A. Lands,
Office 1st Divi, 9th Sub Dist, Va.
Winchester, Va, Spt 30th, 1867.

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown,
Asst Com'r Dist of Va.


In compliance with Par 6th, Circular No 10 Bu. R.F and A Lands, from Hd Qrs Asst Com'r, State of Va, series of 1866, I have the honor to report that a disposition has manifested itsself of late on the part of the Civil authorities in this Division, not to take proper notice of the complaints of Freedmen, when they apply for warrents for the arrest and trial of parties who have assaulted them, when such parties happen to be whites.

During the past month one Albert Brown, Freedman, applied to some five or six Magistrates in Winchester and vicinity (both Corporation and County) without being able to obtain a warrent for the arrest and trial of a white man that had assaulted him, he was therefore obliged to apply to the Military

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