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White - Indicted last October, for lewdly and lascivously cohabiting together. Case continued from last May. At this term acquitted of the charge.

All of the above named parties held for trial, were, and are at large on bail.

During the month "Wiley Saunders" - colored - charged with stealing five bushels of Corn was improperly recognized to appear at next term of the next term of the County Court, which not being a Grand Jury term, the Accused will have to be discharged. I know of no other apprehensions having been made.

In the course of the month, at my instance, one white man was, by a Justice of Peace, bound over to keep the peace towards a Colored man, for threatening to kill him, for making a just accusation against him of setting a dog on another mans Cow. Mention was made of a circumstance connected with this matter in my last Month's report.

There was one other complaint made to me during the month, by a freedman, against two White men, one of whom he had denounced as a "no Gentleman, on his discovering him on his premises, en flagrante delicto with his daughter; but after my directing him to first make complaint to a Magistrate, which he had not as yet done, the parties all compromised the matter between them, and the freedman refused to take any farther steps to bring his assailant to Justice.

I am, General very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
W. F. De Knight
1st Lt. V.R.C. - Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr.
B. R. F. & A. L.