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The only case in which I have taken special action as Military Commissioner, is that of Oliver vs Preston referred to, in my last monthly report. Mr. Preston having failed to produce his evidence, although duly notified of the time and place of trial, I awarded damages in favor of the Plaintiff, strictly in conformity with the law. An execution was issued, and placed in the hands of a Constable, from whom, up to the present I have received no returns. In the case of Henry Pratt also referred to in my last month's report, no knowledge of his where-abouts has yet been ascertained.

I enclose herewith a duplicate copy of report, relative to the alleged arming of the Freedmen at Central Depot Montgomery County, forwarded to the General Commanding Sub District of Lynchburg Dec. 13th 1867. 

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
C S Schaeffer Bv't Capt. &
A.S.A. Commissioner.

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