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   It is expected that every possible effort will be made to convict them, not by reason of their lawless conduct against Goff abstractly considered, but on account of its political significance.

   In the case of Johnsons "Col'd" vs Mrs. Peters of Giles Co. referred to in two of my preceding reports, the parties effected a compromise. And the man Johnson, fully compensated for his services. The apparently unjust decision of the Magistrate, who dismissed the case at Plaintiff's cost, has been fully explained, as having been the result of some error or informality in the warrant, and not through impartiality or injustice to the party.

   In the case of Alfred Huggins "Col'd" vs James L Bain, also referred to in my report for October, a hearing was had before Justices Charlton and Walters on the 9th inst. and which resulted in Bain's acquittal - as will be seen by referring to a copy of the proceedings which is herewith enclosed. A duplicate copy has also been furnished, the General Com'dg Sub Dist. of Lynchburg.

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