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The quarrel grew out of Alfred taking some of Mr. Bain's apples. I knew that Mr Bain had given orders that the fruit on the trees should not be taken, and I am satisfied Huggins knew it. The members of Bain's family were pretty much every day after Alfred's wife & children about knocking off the apples. Whenever she Huggins wife passed through the orchard, which was every day, she would get apples. Huggins about dusk left my house, and went into the orchard, which is on his way home. Huggins wife was before that accused of stealing some things from Bain's wife- and one of Mrs. Bain's underskirts was found in Huggin's house. Mrs. Thompson also lost some meat and it was found concealed in Huggin's house, and stolen by his wife.

Mrs. James L Bain (wife of the accused.) 
Bain came running to the house and got his gun and went to the gate leading from the yard to the orchard. Bain told Huggins three times to leave the orchard. Alfred said shoot I am not afraid of you or your gun. Mr Bain then shot. It was a shot gun, and wounded him in the leg below the knee. Huggins was coming toward Bain when he shot - was in the path coming toward the house. Bain was near the gate in the orchard. Huggins was on lower ground than Bain, when the shot was fired.

Transcription Notes:
The writer's capital Bs and Rs look similar, but in reviewing all pages of this document it appears the last name is Bain and not Rain. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-14 11:04:34 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-14 14:40:33