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Just at that time Mr Bain came along and said G__ D__n You Alfred- What! Are you knocking down the winter apples. I said, I only want to get a few to eat. He said get out of here, don't you know, that I gave you orders not to knock my winter apples- and I said Mr. Bain you never told me about the apples except in the yard. He then ran to me with a corn cutter, and said get out of here, or I will split your head open- and kept saying get out of here, and drew back as if he was going to hit me, when I tried to get a rock. He then said he would shoot me, and went to the house. I followed so that if he did hit me, there would be Jones and others present as witnesses. On Bain coming up toward me he said "I told you to get out of the orchard," and you must get out- I said that I was nearly out, that I would like to come out this way- he said go out the other way and if you dont go I will shoot you. I then said shoot away, when he pulled trigger and snapped- I then got behind a tree, but leaving one leg out, he fired, shooting me in the shin. I then went down the fence and across the garden to Robert Jones' house. Jones pulled me in his door and asked me if I was wounded badly - said I didn't know.

Transcription Notes:
The writer's capital Bs and Rs look similar, but in reviewing all pages of this document it appears the last name is Bain and not Rain. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-14 11:16:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-14 22:30:22