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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A. Lands
Office A.S.A. Comr. 5th Divn. 2d Sub Dist. Va
Amelia C.H. April 30th 1868.

Maj J. R. Stone
S.A. Comr. 2d Sub. Dist.
Petersburg Va.

In compliance with Circular No. 10, series of 1866 Head Qrs. Asst. Comr. State of Va, I have to report (for the first time) a manifest disposition on the part of the Court of Amelia County to commit an act of injustice. Although the act was prevented, yet the will, the disposition I feel my duty to report. The facts are these. The Court for last month (March) held over until I had forwarded my reports for said month. During the session of the Court I learned that Charlotte Evans (colored) put in a claim for attending a woman that was in jail, and who gave birth to a child while there, the acting jailor called on Charlotte to attend to, and take care of her during her prostration and was with her eight (8) days, and the Court turned her away with the small pittance of $2.00

Transcription Notes:
interesting symbol after 2 in the second line. could be nd for 2nd? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 12:49:10