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Report of Cases tried in the County Court of Lunenburg County Virginia, May 1868

[[6 Columned Table]]
| No | Date | Parties to Action | Complaint | Synopsis of Case | Decision of Court |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | May 11 | Commonwealth vs Susan Fowlkes (Col'd) | Petit Larceny |   | Not Guilty |
| 2 | May 11 | Commonwealth vs Henry Green (Col'd) | Petit Larceny |   | Sentenced to One (1) month | 
| 3 | May 11 | Commonwealth vs Scott Raney (Col'd) Commonwealth vs Eliza Raney (Col'd) | Petit Larceny |   | Scott Raney - Not Guilty Eliza Raney Sentenced to three (3) months | 
| 4 | May 11 | Commonwealth vs Thos. Jones (Col'd) | Petit Larceny | Took a man's cow to secure a debt, telling others when he took it, of his intention. Sentence now served out. | Sentenced to Fifteen (15) days |
| 5 | May 11 | Commonwealth vs Jack Taylor (Col'd) | Bastardy | On Complaint of Betsy Smith (colored) Two witnesses testified testified to having been there themselves. | Not Guilty |
[[ Note ]] The above cases were in my opinion all decided justly, except perhaps the sentence of the Thos Jones to 15 days who, it was proven, took the cow to secure the debt, and not with the intention of stealing.  [[/Note]]
| 6 | May 12 | Commonwealth vs Thos Fowlkes (White) | Assault | On Sidney Johns (colored) | Fined $5 & costs |
| 7 | May 12 | Commonwealth vs Wm A Keaton (White) | Assault | On Mary Gregory (colored) | Fined ($.01) 1 cent & costs |
| 8 | May 12 | Commonwealth vs Aaron Hill (col'd) | Assault | On T.B. Royal (White)| Fined $25 & costs |

I would particularly call attention to cases No's 6,7, & 8. No's 6 & 7 it will be observed are cases where white men assaulted colored, and the fine is $5 in one case & 1 cent in the other. No 8 on the other hand is where a colored man assaulted a white and while the case is a very mild one & perhaps a very doubtful one, for the white man, assaulted, was the only witness in the case, & the colored man being the criminal could not testify, yet the fine imposed was $25. My opinion is that the white men should have been fined $25 each, or the colored man should be released at 1 cent & costs; - w

Lunenburg C.H. Va May 30/68
W. H. H. Stowell
A.S.A. Comr Bu. R.F & A.L.

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